「哞」 | Happy New Year of The Ox !

Year of The Ox — 牛年将至

农历新年倒计时1天, Kurz Kurz Design为你送上好运壁纸, 为你的新年加油打气!🥂 The clock is ticking toward the year of the Ox. We presents you with lucky wallpaper, and wish you a wonderful Chinese New Year!

Niú lái Shǔ wǎng — 牛来鼠往

告别鼠年,迎接这个代表着辛勤耕种与收获满满的牛年,祝您2021新年快乐! Farewell to the little rat and welcome to the year of the ox — the zodiac sign representing hard work & prosperity. Happy 2021!

Niú Zhuǎn qián kūn — 牛转乾坤

牛转乾坤,祝您新年新气象。 The ox turns Ying into Yang, bringing new opportunities such as wealth and luck in the new year.

Niú Qì Chōng Tiān — 牛气冲天

牛气冲天,祝您牛年一飞冲天。 [NiúQì Chōng Tiān]literally meaning “the ox flying toward heaven“ wishes vigor and strength in your pursuits.

我们向所有客户、同事、合作伙伴、家人和朋友们致以最诚挚的祝福,感谢你们与Kurz Kurz Design 共同度过了2020年。在新一年的开端,祝大家身体健康!万事如意!哞~!